
Namaste On Your Own Time With the Best Free Online Yoga Series

Namaste On Your Own Time With the Best Free Online Yoga Series

Yoga is a holistic practice that channels the mind, body, and spirit to foster acceptance and mindfulness. There is always more to learn, and it can seem to be an especially slow and difficult-to-master art. There are yoga classes you can go to all over the world. Each instructor will have a different style, and like a shoe, it can take some time to find the right fit for you.

For those of us that have always wanted to try yoga but are intimidated by people standing on their heads or chanting weird mantras, there’s Adriene. She’s a YouTube yoga star who caters to all different kinds of yogis. If you’re just getting started, or you want to get back into yoga after a long hiatus, we recommend her 30 Days of Yoga series.

With any form of exercise, if you don’t take the time to schedule it, you’ll never make a commitment. But the 30-Day concept keeps you accountable. The classes are less than forty minutes, and get shorter and shorter each day, so you won’t feel it eating up your whole day. It’s about practicing smart, not long. 40 minutes of concentrating is way better than an hour of restlessness.

Adriene changes it up every day. Start with a warm up, and gradually learn new stretches, challenge yourself, and include new yogic philosophies in your practice. You start out getting oriented in the big picture — learning awareness, breath focus, and channelling positivity. Adriene encourages you to do whatever feels comfortable, and modify as needed. She wants you to be the master of your own practice, not feel forced to do everything she does, exactly the way she does it.

If you need a push in the right direction, log on to YouTube. No need to join a fancy yoga studio. Just roll out a mat, and go!

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