Which Candies NOT to Hand Out This Halloween

Trick-or-treating is a magical time of year, but we all remember the disappointing houses on our block that just didn't get it.

Why would you hand out floss instead of candy? Why would you give me a nickel? If you are one of the unfortunate houses planning to give your local kids Raisinets, then read on. Here are the worst Halloween treats that no kid wants.

Neco Wafers

Goya pork rinds, Sylvia's soul food products, Necco wafer candy

These chalky little sugar patties will suck all the moisture out of your mouth, and every flavor tastes exactly the same. These candies suck; no other way of putting it. They're barely tolerable on Valentine's Day, and they're definitely not a tangible replacement for Snickers or Kit Kats. Get it together.

Mary Janes

What is this, the 1900s? Did people even trick or treat back then? These candies are older than everyone alive, and they taste like crap. Peanut butter and molasses flavored taffy? Does that sound enjoyable to you? Swap these out for some real peanut butter candy like Reeses and toss this garbage.

Circus Peanuts

Chewier than a marshmallow and flavored like an artificial banana, this candy is the most universally disliked treat on the planet. No one understands their purpose or why they were created in the first place. They're also fat free, which is just depressing.


You wanna see what the face of a disappointed child looks like? Just hand them a roll of Smarties. The signature candy of crabby, cheapskate neighbors, Smarties continue to live in infamy as one of the worst candies ever invented. They're pretty much just smaller Necco Wafers, and by the end of the evening kids everywhere will somehow have 1,000 of them stuffed away in their basket. How did they get there? No one knows, but be a part of the solution and not the problem and set these trash treats on fire.


Do I really need to explain this one to you? It's Halloween; lighten up. Nothing screams a resentment for youthful energy more than handing out an apple to all the kids on the block on the one day of the year dedicated to sugar highs and poor diets. Figure it out, and keep your apples in your fridge.

Sun Maid Raisin Boxes

Another example I should not need to explain. Raisins suck in general, but they suck the most on Halloween.

While their commercials were funny, the candy just never quite took off. The combination of milk chocolate and whipped nougat isn't the worst thing in the world, but it could just have been so much better. The number 3 is also the exact number of these bad boys one can stomach before getting extremely nauseous.

Those Weird Strawberry Candies

What are these? Why are they filled with goo? Why do they always just appear? Why are they the signature candy of grandma's everywhere? For as long as we can remember, there have been all these questions surrounding these peculiar sweets and absolutely no answers. Just don't give these out. Just don't do it.

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