Best Educational TV Show That's Actually Entertaining

We all remember The Magic School Bus and Bill Nye The Science Guy. They were fun, educational shows that made topics like the bloodstream or the solar system more digestible for our young minds. But we're all grown up now, and need a grown up show that gives us that same level of fun and enchantment. Introducing Don Wildman, the host of the Travel Channel show, Mysteries at the Museum.

There are museums in every city, large and small, throughout the entire world. And each one has a story. Don Wildman's out to uncover the secrets behind the most interesting artifacts. Find out the true mysteries of Bonnie and Clyde, Marilyn Monroe, and Butch Cassidy. Wildman introduces you to a museum by its city, its people, and its culture. He goes into a variety of time periods and traverses landscapes of global proportions.

The show accesses the most unique stories and presents them in an engaging format. Instead of telling you all the details, the writers compose a story, display realistic dramatizations, and interview scholars, historians and artists. The show leaves you on cliffhangers like you're reading pulp fiction. Wildman formerly trained as an actor, and you can tell by his command of his audience.

If you're looking to learn something you never expected, and to find out the secrets behind some of the world's most fascinating objects, you'll love Mysteries at the Museum.

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