HelloFresh box, ingredients, and recipe on kitchen counter

HelloFresh: What You Need To Know

Meet the must-have meal kit delivery service, HelloFresh. Cooking has never been easier and here's why:


HelloFresh's plans start as low as $7.49 per serving. There are 6 menus: Meat & Veggies, Vegetarian, Family Friendly, Calorie Smart, Pescatarian, and Quick & Easy. From there you can select for either 2 or 4 people and between 3-5 recipes per week.

Plans are flexible so feel free to skip a week or cancel any time.

HelloFresh meal plans and servings


Each menu has 22+ recipes every week to choose from. They range from classic home-cooked meals to international cuisine all crafted by chefs for you to cook on your own.

4 HelloFresh meals on plates

The Box

Based on the plan you choose you'll receive a box of meals delivered to your door each week (you choose the day it arrives!). In your box, you'll find step-by-step recipe cards, fresh pre-measured ingredients, custom spice blends, and nutritional information. Any meat for the recipes is stored at the bottom of the box on ice packs to ensure everything stays fresh.

Simply place the ingredients in your fridge and prepare the meals whenever you want throughout the week. Each meal takes an average of 30 minutes to cook.

Discover the joy of cooking, learn a new skill, and skip the grocery store ALL with HelloFresh! This meal kit service will revitalize your nightly dinners and you can even use the extra servings to have a ready-to-go lunch the next day.

NEW YEAR SPECIAL: GET 12 FREE meals ($90 Value!) across 4 boxes including free shipping on the first box!

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