My 3 New Spring Habits To Get Me Summer Ready

My 3 New Spring Habits To Get Me Summer Ready
author TopDust Staff

Anyone else wondering how is it already spring? Or just me?…Either way I have never been more excited for warmer, sunnier, longer days. I’m so ready for spring to give me the kickstart I need to get myself back to a positive mindset and all-around wellness.

Thankfully, this spring and summer will be very different from last year. The first signs of our old lives are slowly re-emerging which means I need to get back to my old ways and be ready to reemerge as a better me. Initially, it felt overwhelming; How am I going to do this? Where do I start?

I choose 3 new habits to make in my daily life so by the time summer comes, I will be in the best place to have the best summer.

1.Tackle Mindfulness

Truth be told I tried mindfulness last year but when everything hit I was not in the right mindset. I wasn’t going to force it but now I feel I have the time to commit fully to it and give it a real chance. I downloaded the most highly rated meditation app and bought a book that my friend swears got her hooked on all things mindfulness.

She also convinced me to try CBD oil. I was so skeptical when she first started talking about it, but after seeing how much it has helped her relax, manage her stress and be more focused I took her Feals CBD oil recommendation.

I am completely clueless about CBD, so the Feals Flight with a sample of 40MG, 80MG, and 160MG for only $20 was the perfect introduction I needed. Plus Feals CBD is a high-quality, full-spectrum oil that contains only two ingredients: full-spectrum hemp extract and 100% organic MCT oil — a fat-burning, a metabolism-revving superfood that maximizes hemp’s bioavailability.

Fealsuse only organically grown, domestic hemp from family-owned farms in Colorado and Oregon. They test in-house, and then again with 3rd-party labs to ensure quality, purity, and consistency. They offer 3 different strengths: 600 MG, 1200 MG, and 2400 MG, as well as the Feals Flight.

2.Get outside and increase my steps

I’ve been reading a lot about non-exercise activity thermogenesis, which is simply just moving your body more throughout the day. It has huge benefits not just for your physical health but for your mental wellbeing also. I’m embarrassed to admit how little movement I have done lately! Which has probably negatively affected my thoughts and my health in more ways than one.

Taking advantage of the spring weather to get out and get moving even if it is just for 20 minutes is being put into my daily schedule. And thanks to my new CBD routine, I’m sleeping better and feel more energetic during the day so a brisk walk is exactly what I need.

3.Establish better boundaries with work

WFH has brought out the workaholic in me, some weeks it feels like I live at work. I’ve certainly taken on extra work in the last year and the pressure I put myself under to constantly be “on” from the minute I wake up till I go to sleep is on me and I need to change.

My boss certainly doesn’t expect this from me so from now on I will not look at my work laptop or use my phone for any work-related emails or instant messages outside my work hours. I also started to schedule a proper lunch break every day to give myself 30 minutes to eat or get some fresh air during the day.

These new boundaries along with Feals CBD oil in my new daily schedule are helping to make my days feel more manageable and less stressful. After a month I’m already using my mindfulness strategies, my daily walks are my favorite part of my days, and I feel better and more secure with my work-life balance. But most of all, Feals CBD oil is pulling everything together.

After sampling the flight I knew this had to be part of my new routine, and I knew exactly what strength I needed. I signed up for their subscription to get my 1200mg FealsCBD oil delivered to me every month at 30% off. The peach bottle looks great on my desk and I know it’s always there when I need it. One serving under my tongue and I know I will feel relaxed while still focused and full of energy, ready to take on whatever the days have in store for me.

With Feals CBD in my days, I’m back and ready for the summer we all deserve this year!

Update: The folks at FEALS are extending a special offer to our readers! Sign up for a membership and get 30% off your order, every time!