My job search felt like a brawl—I grappled with what felt like millions of emails and endless applications. One might've thought that writing so many versions of my cover letter would improve my writing skills, but actually, it's done the opposite.
When I sent out my first cover letter, it was almost perfect. I looked it over five times and checked and rechecked each word for spelling and accuracy. But I've written over 100 of them now; I no longer have the time to copy edit carefully, and the stress of this process makes it tough to self-edit at all. My stomach lurched when I recently noticed several small mistakes after I'd already pressed send.
I was mixing up whether and weather and were and where. I also had roundabout sentences and spelling and grammatical mistakes in my emails and cover letters. Although I have the skills and the education, I suspect these teeny mistakes are costing me interviews.
My friend mentioned Grammarly, a FREE digital writing assistant. We all have spell check, and although that might work for basic mistakes, Grammarly is different. Grammarly works wherever I write, meaning it helps hone my emails, cover letters, and résumé for mistakes in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and more. It scans for run-on sentences and even offers suggestions for clear, concise, professional writing.
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I downloaded Grammarly's desktop app, the Grammarly browser extension, and the Grammarly Keyboard. Then I set writing goals tailored to my needs. These customizable goals include audience (general, knowledgeable, or expert) and formality (informal, neutral, or formal). Grammarly Premium allows you to select whether I'm writing an academic paper, business report, email, casual message, something creative, and more.
Grammarly has really upped my writing game—especially with suggestions for industry-specific language that will reach my target audiences. Grammarly has also helped me with word redundancy; I never realized how many times I use "really," "actually," "love," and "great" until Grammarly pointed it out.
Although Grammarly is free, the Premium version unlocks a bunch of features like the tone detector, clarity-focused sentence rewrites, fluency, and so much more. GrammarlyPremium, which starts at $12.00 a month, offers invaluable suggestions and synonyms that significantly improve my sentences and the overall structure of my missives.
Grammarly is just like a second and third pair of eyes—and for cover letters and résumés, that's important!
These days, I'm way more confident about my job search. The quality of my writing has soared, and I'm super productive—giving me more shots at jobs. When it comes to job applications, Grammarlyhelps me put my best foot forward.
If you're struggling with your job search, I highly recommend downloading Grammarly.
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